Rolawn Questionnaire Got a minute? Rate your experience with Rolawn "*" indicates required fields 1. How did you find us?* Social Media (Facebook / Instagram) Google Referred by a friend / family / neighbour Referred by a landscaper / builder / architect Landscape yard ArchiPro Registered Master Landscapes Other Other?Landscape / builder / architect referrer?Landscape yard business name?2. Have you ordered Rolawn turf before?* Yes No 3. How would you rate your experience when enquiring about Rolawn turf?* 1 ( Poor ) 2 3 4 5 ( Excellent ) 4. How would you rate your experience when ordering?* 1 ( Poor ) 2 3 4 5 ( Excellent ) 5. How would you rate your experience with your delivery?* 1 ( Poor ) 2 3 4 5 ( Excellent ) 7. Where was your turf delivered to?* Site Depot Mainfreight Farm 8. How would you rate the quality of the product you received?* 1 ( Poor ) 2 3 4 5 ( Excellent ) 9. Would you recommend Rolawn to others?* Yes No 10. If you would like to add anything else that would help us improve our service and product, please do so below:Name (Optional)I give permission for my feedback to be used in Rolawn advertising* Yes No